A self-explanatory post. Here we go:
1. Learn one sentence in Hungarian. (Nem szeretem a libák illatát!)
2. Watch a documentary on royal incest.
3. Go through your social media posts from 2009 and cringe.
4. Look at pictures of possums.
5. Watch Workaholics season 1 episode 3.
6. Open Disney+ and slug out for 12 hours.
7. Watch this Buzzfeed series.
8. Also this one.
9. Take a hike and collect a few plants to put in a vase.
10. Rent or buy a movie on Amazon that you've been meaning to watch (mine was the recent Little Women; highly recommend).
11. Try this recipe.
12. Make an impromptu coffee date with your best friend.
13. Learn a new skill.
14. Watch my YouTube channel. ;)
15. Launch your own blog! I promise, it is very fun.
Enjoy this list! What are some fun things YOU like to do when you're bored?