The key to being inspired, motivated, and comforted by social media is simple: find accounts that aim to: inspire, motivate, and comfort. Back in high school when Instagram was created and endless images showed up on my phone screen, I started comparing my acne to girls who seemed to have perfect skin; comparing my squishy belly to fitness models with flat stomachs; and my teeth to people who replaced theirs with pristine veneers. There's certainly no shame in having any of those, but as a susceptible teenager who didn't quite know how to think for herself yet, I wanted to write a post on some of my favorite accounts on Instagram that help me feel better about myself—rather than worse.
I recently discovered @thebraincoach on Instagram; she's a Canadian PhD student who offers helpful posts revolved around psycho-education. I absolutely love her posts that offer help ranging from resolving conflict, signs of imposter syndrome, to improving relationships and so on. I really feel like I'm getting valuable tips on checking your irrational thoughts, and I find myself randomly thinking of one of her posts when I'm in a negative thought spiral. She's brilliant, and I highly recommend checking her out.
Another account I discovered—well, two accounts—are Radhi Devlukia-Shetty and her husband, Jay Shetty. Not only are they a gorgeous couple, they also aim to motivate their audience to go after their dreams and be kinder to ourselves. Radhi makes excellent vegan dishes, she radiates light and warmth, and her husband's quote posts always have me pondering how to make my life more aligned with how I envision it to be.
The last account is @femalecollective, a fantastic collection of quotes and self love reminders for women. It's run by @candacereels who knows how to tell women that they deserve to love themselves, put themselves first, and prioritize their mental and emotional well-being. The reminders are quick and easily digestible, along with being colorful and fun. I always feel like I receive a little hug with each of her posts, and you could, too!
I hope these accounts inspire you as much as they have for me. I know social media can be tricky if you're not paying attention to what you're consuming, so take a look through all the accounts you're following and ask yourself: "Does this account/person's content make me feel good about myself?" If the answer is no, unfollow them. It's simple, really—and definitely helpful in improving your mental health while scrolling.
I hope this post serves you. See you soon!